23 April 2020
I almost can't believe it! I didn't saw this coming. This morning I took home urine test(upt) and it turned out positive. π±It's clear even it's fainted. I took 3 different test and all +ve. Almost 9 months and this is the 8th cycle we've been ttcπ. I had endometriosis and pcos (diagnosed on feb 2020). Supposedly next month i will have appointment with doc regarding my endometriosis for further action like laparscopy surgery etc.
I really hope this baby will stick with me. Next week i will go to clinic for comfirmation.Thank you my husband! You always give me hope and courage. Last week i didn't track my bbt bcoz i'm afraid my bbt will drop somehow.huhu.. i just wanted to stay hopeful this time and don't want to think much about it(but i still think and wonder about it every night while watching others ttc on youtubeπ
Actually, yesterday I took opk test just in case (i watch others use it before upt test on youtube)..the test line is clearly dark but not as dark as control line. But there's still a line, and it gives me hope. Bcoz before this if near my period, the test line on opk will turn out blank /negative.
Then miracle happenπ... Allahu ..rasa mcm tak percaya.. so i buat 3x test.. apekah.. i thought it's gonna take years.. sebab i tahu kalau yang ada endo cyst ni mungkin take time sikit. And i pon dah prepare mentally for that. I bukan tak kisah cuma i redha dan terima ujian yang Allah bagi ni. Rezeki setiap org berbeza. Cuma itulah.. my husb sangat2 berharap, mertua i pon sama. Cucu sulung la bagi mereka. Hoho.. dan i sgt bersyukur sbb husband sangat memahami dan selalu support i. πAlhamdulillah
Scan Ultrasound
Doc suggest tunggu 2 minggu lagi untuk scan. I memang dah tak sabar. Jadi pergi jugak klinik masa kandungan baru 4 minggu..haa memang tak nampak apa la. Cuma nampak uterus lining tebal je. So 50-50 lagi. Huhu
So next 2 week i pegi jumpa doc. Sebelum scan ultrasound ni, doc tanya i pasal bila last period, test upt etc. Then doc ckp "Tahniah ya Amalina!".. *speechless.. rasa mcm duk dalam drama tv pulak.. ayat tu keluar dari mulut seorang doc memang i sangat2 terharu..tak tahu nak describe macam mna.. macam mimpi pon ada.. huhu.. i banyak kali tanya husb " is this for real?" I tahu upt +ve tapi i still tak percaya sebenarnya.. sebab yela history i pastu takutla bagi harapan palsu tiber jadi benda lain pulak..π contoh molar pregnancy ke apa.. nauzubillah.. masa tu i mcm 'dying to know, afraid to find out' gitu..apapon i bersyukur sangat2 ..Alhamdulillah..